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Christmas in July: 3 Steps to Get Ahead of the Q4 Rush

Holiday season and Q4 is the busiest time of the year in the promotional products industry. And nothing says Christmas in July like getting started early on those holiday orders! Shipping delays are unpredictable from overseas, so it's important to get your clients' orders in as soon as possible. Here are three steps distributors can take to prepare for Q4 holiday orders:

1. Get organized

Now is the time to make a game plan. Do you have clients you worked with last year who might be looking to do a reorder of their corporate holiday gift? Maybe there is a new company you are looking to get your foot in the door with. What better way than coming to them with solutions for their Q4 projects? And it all starts with reaching out. Get the conversation started with your clients, find out what kinds of products they're interested in, and ask for artwork. We can help from there by having our talented art team create free virtual mockups for you to share with them. Our sales team can also answer any questions you have around production time, pricing, and details so you have them at the ready.

2. Plan your timeline.

“Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.” ― Margaret Thatcher

One of the key things to making your last quarter your best quarter is to plan, plan, plan. Talk to your clients about in-hands dates for events. Talk to your suppliers about production times and cut off dates. If your supplier has both overseas and domestic options, what are the last possible dates to receive POs to meet your client's IHD? By knowing these dates ahead of time - even if they are just ballpark dates - you can make sure you are prepared and following up accordingly.

3. Finish strong.

While the end of the year can be stressful for everyone, being strategic and focused can help you end the year on a high note. Take a look at projects that are real opportunities and be proactive about communicating with your clients. Are there quick-turn items you can suggest that are possible for any last-minute orders? Making an effort to help your clients in any way possible will go a long way.

Another good practice is to check regularly with suppliers on any projects in process. When you work with FPS Apparel, you are given a designated account manager that is your go-to person regarding your orders. They are with you every step of the way - from getting virtual mockups to shipping the order. Ensuring that your clients' orders are on track is necessary to a successful last quarter and sets you up for a great start to 2024. Contact our team today to get ahead of the game and start today!

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